The English curriculum at Moat Farm Junior is tailored to the needs of our school community and provides children with the skills and knowledge needed for life. Our English curriculum has been designed to allow children to revisit themes from the wider curriculum and apply knowledge taught. Pupils are given the opportunity to explore and immerse themselves into high quality texts. This enables them to use and adapt vocabulary to build on the composition and effect within their own writing. Motivation to write is at the heart of our writing ethos. We believe all children should be provided with the chance to see themselves as writers and be given a chance to celebrate their writing.


At Moat Farm, we aim to develop our children into confident spellers so they have the freedom to express themselves through a wide range of vocabulary. We teach a different spelling rule a week – through the use of engaging lessons, dictation and weekly tests based on the rules that have been taught.

Years 3 & 4

Years 5 & 6

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Moat Farm Junior School in Sandwell