Lower School Nativity and Carol Concert

Dear Parents,

We would like to invite you to join lower school in celebrating Christmas on Monday 7th December 2015 when Year 3 will perform The Nativity.

You are more than welcome to join us at 9.00am in the gym for mince pies, followed by the performance at 9.20am in the hall.

If you would like to attend, press here to access the slip then complete the form and return to your child’s class teacher by Tuesday 1st December. This will be a free event, however it will be ticketed due to space restrictions. Initially, we have to limit tickets to two per family for the performance.  Your child will bring home any requested tickets to you, prior to the performance. We will inform you nearer the time if there are any spare tickets once all those have been issued.

We hope that you can join us for our celebration and we look forward to seeing you there!

Yours sincerely,

Ms L Stone

Head Teacher

New School Meal Menu

Moat Farm lottery fundedMoat Farm ‘Can Do’ Project

We have been successful in securing lottery funding of £9,521 to help fund our after school programme. Part of this funding will help to continue to fund the assistance of the West Bromwich Albion Foundation coaches who take groups of pupils during breakfast club to take part in physical activity before the school day.

The remainder of the funding will finance resources for the schools after school club. Those children of working parents and those targeted for additional support by the school attend after school club to be able to eat a healthy snack, complete homework in a clam environment and help to build relationships with other pupils.

The programme is now up and running and we hope that your child will enjoy taking part in what will be an exciting project.